If you’d prefer to donate via check, please make it out to:
Gathering Ground
PO Box 276
Washington Island, WI 54246

Monthly donors are a sustaining life force behind the programs of Gathering Ground. Join a cohort of people investing in the planet, in the community, and in our future. And have fun doing it. Monthly donors will start receiving special quarterly updates and early-bird invitations to special events like Dinner in the Vineyard!
Featured Campaign:
Plant a Chestnut
Help us plant chestnut trees!
Chestnuts are called the Bread Tree, as the nuts have a similar nutritional profile to grain. They can be eaten fresh or milled into a flour. They can produce 4,000 pounds per acre, and start producing in as little as 3 years.
Chestnuts are a sustainable food harvest because they produce every year without needing to be replanted, thereby reducing tillage, helping build soils, and locking carbon in the soil.
Tree Sponsorship:
Your gift of $235 allows us to plant and care for a chestnut tree into maturity.
In honor of…
Honor a loved one with a metal plaque that will be hung from your tree.
Support Our Work
It is clear now more than ever that we are sustained by the earth we live on and we must take care of it. Help us grow our community orchards and educational programs supporting sustainable agriculture on Washington Island.
Your contribution is crucial to the success of our mission to educate kids and adults about sustainable agriculture — and to meet our end goal of supporting healthy communities and healthy land. With your help, we will be able to work toward our ambitious goals:
Securing on-Island housing for our Ground School internship students, so that we can grow and expand the program.
Developing a wider range of programming for local K-12 students, with the broader aim of teaching the next generation how to adapt to a changing climate.
Growing food in a way that works with nature, not against it, and revitalizing the soil so that farms will be able to endure for generations.
Hosting regional experts, educators and artists for events and workshops focused around environmental theory and practice.
Investing in the local community by hosting weekly Farmers’ Markets and working to make Washington Island a destination for green tourism.
With so much important work ahead, we are energized by your commitment to Gathering Ground and are grateful that you choose to Plant for the Future with us. If you’re able to, consider becoming a monthly donor. Your support makes our work possible.
If you’d prefer to donate via check, please make it out to:
Gathering Ground
2162 Swenson Road
Washington Island, WI 54246
Gathering Ground is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 81-4217805.
Feel free to contact us with any questions about the donation process.
Dollars Raised
Thanks to your generous donations, we are able to continue our experiments in sustainable agriculture education.
We couldn’t do what we do without the tireless support of our wonderful volunteers. Find out more about getting involved here.
Our supporters’ donations are seeds that allow our teaching programs to sprout new ideas, and our farm to sprout new life.
Trees Planted
We’re planting fruit and nut trees in our orchard that will sequester carbon and produce sustenance for a healthier future.
Vines and Shrubs Planted
We’re transitioning the vineyard to a disease-resistant grape variety, Itasca. We’re also planting native shrubs and berry plants throughout the property.
Food Donated
We donate our produce regularly to the Washington Island food pantry. This number will continue grow as our fruit and nut trees mature.
Students Taught
Education is the backbone of Gathering Ground. We are proud to host young adults every summer for our internship, and to partner with our local K-12 district.
Events Hosted
Our community workshops feature regional experts, local artists and writers. Our annual Dinner in the Vineyard highlights locally grown, farm-to-table cuisine.
Our Partners & Sponsors
We are so grateful for the support we receive from our partners and sponsors. Do you have a company or organization that’s dedicated to promoting and investing in sustainable agriculture? Contact us for more to learn how you can partner with Gathering Ground.
Annual Reports
Curious about our organization’s accomplishments so far? Take a look at our annual reports: